Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing  : You have an awesome product or service with tons of value and it’s sure good value. It’s even sold well before now, but because you’re in a big hurry to make money, you need a ebook to promote. Good logic. Then again, maybe because the book is very heavy, very old news and maybe you just don’t think you can generate buyers out of it. This is an all too common dilemma.

What’s the solution? By using an ebook, you will talk to your potential buyers about your product and them about your solution and you have it all in just a few words. They will be looking in very good boosts and trust in that.

You’re not just going to try and talk into a recording device and sell your ebook for a few dollars, are you? NO. This is the free method that you can use to decide if the book is for you.

Other companies charge $50.00 and $100.00 for the same thing others are selling because the eBook is nothing different. How can that be? Well, its only $9.99!

This ebook represents a good investment that can be very profitable. The ebook should be a collection of relevant rules, concepts, training and your solutions. And its easy to do. You only need a few hours to make. How hard could it be?

You could have to market this book all over the internet with some humble advertising, but hey, lets keep with the easy bit. You can set up a free blog at blogspot, just like I did. There are many sites that will host your blog for free. This is a vital thing in the whole process.

Go sign up, and you will see a simple box with an introduction asking you to log in and register. Don’t worry- you don’t need to worry about anything, it’s totally legit. You sell the book at no expense to you!

A marketing letter will do just fine. In fact, you could pay $30.00 for a programmer to create an entire sales letter for you, and sell just 10 for $30.00 a pop. If you didn’t know, $30.00 is tenth of a cent. You pick the price up to whatever you like, and it will keep selling for you for ever.

So, it’s a free tool to help you decide if this product is for you. Not expensive at all. You get a few hundred dollars back immediately. But you still have to market the product effectively to make it a success with the ebook itself.

The key is to get a list of people that will be interested in your book, NOT the site and not the email address, but the list of buyers. You don’t just want people on the list, you need subscribers- people that are looking for your solution.

These people will want to receive information, updates and offers that are like this ebook. So let them have some for free!

slogan- if you want to learn how to earn $1000 a week, just follow these simple steps.